As the boys get older, they are becoming the best of friends. Really, I promise, most of the time they really like each other. I actually caught a few good pictures of it.
Right now, we are really enjoying the art sibling rivalry. We fight over everything. It could be something as "insignificant" as the Best Buy ad in Sunday's paper. Even better is the fight over who gets which sippy cup in the morning. *Yes, I am still allowing Russell to drink out of a sippy cup. I am having a hard time stepping up to a cup without a lid*. Most of the time it is a fight over a coveted Hot Wheel, Spider Man, what TV show we will watch, or the type of fruit snacks to get at Wal Mart. There are those moments that I glance through the fog of time, and for see some roo-tootin' good fights brewing. The balance usually tips to the side of surprise--just depends on who isn't looking. Russell has good speed for his age, and he also has wisdom on his side. Wilson, on the other hand, has brute strength. I couldn't count on both hands and feet the number of times that Wilson has layed Russell flat out. I think Wilson may end up on the O-line.

Russell has really been asking a lot of questions lately. If you have been around him for more than 5 minutes I am sure you got the third degree. He has been saving the really tough questions for me, on the ride home from school/work, when my brain is so worn out I can't think of anything intelligent to say. For example, "Mommy, why do people go to Heaven." "Well, God wants them to come home with Him." "But mommy, I don't want to go to Heaven and leave you." "Don't worry, you won't for a long time." "But why not mommy, doesn't God want me to visit." "I am sure God would love for you to visit, but He really wants you to stay with me and daddy." "But He is your boss right?" "Yes, Russell, God is everyone's boss." "Who is God's boss" Anyhow, you get the idea! It is exausting, and I usually end up saying the fantastic phrase "I don't know Russell, I just don't know!"
Wilson is really growing--and I don't mean his belly any more. He has really shot up in the past few months. He is starting to loose that famous Budda belly that everyone loved so much. It makes me a little sad to think about him growing into a young man. He usually has the most even temperment (thanks to Justin), and he loves to snuggle. He is so sweet to everyone he meets, and he esp. loves babies. He likes to tickle their feet and will often try to feed them whatever is near. I was hoping his love for babies would somehow transfer to animals so that we could finally get a dog. Not so much. He is terrified of all animals to a certain extent. He likes them as long as he knows that they can't get him, come near him, lick him, sniff him, or run around him. Russell is getting pretty exasperated with the whole situation. I finally had to promise Russell that by the time he turned 8 we would get a pet.
On another note, we are coming up on the year anniversary of my mom's triple aneurism. She is doing really good. She recovered almost all of her memory, balance, strength, and health. I am just so thankful for all of the prayers during that time, and I know that she still has a purpose here! She looked so good out there dancing with Ryan at the wedding! I am so proud of her progress, and I am so thankful that my dad was able to take care of her.
Hope all of you are doing well.Happy, healthy, and having fun!
Right now, we are really enjoying the art sibling rivalry. We fight over everything. It could be something as "insignificant" as the Best Buy ad in Sunday's paper. Even better is the fight over who gets which sippy cup in the morning. *Yes, I am still allowing Russell to drink out of a sippy cup. I am having a hard time stepping up to a cup without a lid*. Most of the time it is a fight over a coveted Hot Wheel, Spider Man, what TV show we will watch, or the type of fruit snacks to get at Wal Mart. There are those moments that I glance through the fog of time, and for see some roo-tootin' good fights brewing. The balance usually tips to the side of surprise--just depends on who isn't looking. Russell has good speed for his age, and he also has wisdom on his side. Wilson, on the other hand, has brute strength. I couldn't count on both hands and feet the number of times that Wilson has layed Russell flat out. I think Wilson may end up on the O-line.

Russell has really been asking a lot of questions lately. If you have been around him for more than 5 minutes I am sure you got the third degree. He has been saving the really tough questions for me, on the ride home from school/work, when my brain is so worn out I can't think of anything intelligent to say. For example, "Mommy, why do people go to Heaven." "Well, God wants them to come home with Him." "But mommy, I don't want to go to Heaven and leave you." "Don't worry, you won't for a long time." "But why not mommy, doesn't God want me to visit." "I am sure God would love for you to visit, but He really wants you to stay with me and daddy." "But He is your boss right?" "Yes, Russell, God is everyone's boss." "Who is God's boss" Anyhow, you get the idea! It is exausting, and I usually end up saying the fantastic phrase "I don't know Russell, I just don't know!"

Wilson is really growing--and I don't mean his belly any more. He has really shot up in the past few months. He is starting to loose that famous Budda belly that everyone loved so much. It makes me a little sad to think about him growing into a young man. He usually has the most even temperment (thanks to Justin), and he loves to snuggle. He is so sweet to everyone he meets, and he esp. loves babies. He likes to tickle their feet and will often try to feed them whatever is near. I was hoping his love for babies would somehow transfer to animals so that we could finally get a dog. Not so much. He is terrified of all animals to a certain extent. He likes them as long as he knows that they can't get him, come near him, lick him, sniff him, or run around him. Russell is getting pretty exasperated with the whole situation. I finally had to promise Russell that by the time he turned 8 we would get a pet.

On another note, we are coming up on the year anniversary of my mom's triple aneurism. She is doing really good. She recovered almost all of her memory, balance, strength, and health. I am just so thankful for all of the prayers during that time, and I know that she still has a purpose here! She looked so good out there dancing with Ryan at the wedding! I am so proud of her progress, and I am so thankful that my dad was able to take care of her.
Hope all of you are doing well.Happy, healthy, and having fun!
1 comment:
Your boys are adorable!!!! And so happy to hear that your mom is doing great!!
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