Saturday, September 18, 2010

"My Mommy" as told by Russell Key

What does your mommy say all of the time?
*I love you!

What makes mommy happy?
*hugs and kisses

What makes mommy sad?
*When you bust your elbow open

What does mommy do that makes you laugh?
*tickles me and makes funny faces

What was mommy like as a child?
*little and growing bigger and bigger

How old is mommy?

How tall is mommy?
*3 foots tall

What is mommy's favorite thing to do?
*go to work and play games

What does mommy do after you go to sleep?
*eat candy
****At this point Russell got frustrated having to answer all of the questions. So I couldn't get the rest of them answered. I tried to get Wilson to answer some questions, but he just stood there saying, "I don't know, I don't know, I DON"T KNOW".
Oh well, I guess that is pretty typical. Boys just don't have a lot to say, even if it is about their mama.

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