Sunday, November 7, 2010

Spooktacular Day

Unlike most towns around, Fort Smith kept the Halloween Festivities on actual Halloween this year. It kinda put a kink in our fun-filed day as the coaches work for most of the day. However, Jeff was kind enough to let the coaches have 5:30-7:30 with their candy crazed children. THANKS!!
Russell, Wilson, and I started our afternoon with the Fimples at FUMC for their carnival. It was held in the FLC and consisted of games, bouncy houses, candy, candy and more candy. It was a really great way to warm up to the idea of people in costumes. In case you aren't aware, Wilson has a huge fear of strange people wearing strange outfits. He did really well, considering there were some seriously scary costumes there.

After we won all the games, took all the candy, and feasted on all the popcorn and soda we could, we headed to SHS to pick up the daddies. Sonic was running a special on corn dogs, so we swung by and picked up dinner to eat before Trick-or-Treating. We met the Fimples (+Keith) at a park in a local neighborhood, and we all ate some really healthy food. To maximize the short time we had we preplanned where we would visit. One of the neighborhoods is known for giving out full sized candy bars, and we had hunted this area last year. Let's just say the kids really racked up on loot!! A fun time was had by everyone involved. Now if I can just keep myself out of the bag of goodies.

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