Saturday, May 5, 2012

Hanging my head

Wow, has it really been OVER a year? I haven't completely disappeared, but I have been stalking other people's blogs. I love reading what  other people are doing, but I am not the best at keeping people posted (blog-wise) about us. I update Facebook frequently, and I talk to my family often, but I just can't seem to keep this blog up to date. So let's just do a quick run down on everyone in the family  and the past year.

Starting with youngest to oldest:

Wilson: He is in preschool (at the same daycare), and he seems to be learning lots. He comes home everyday with the letters he is learning, and he always has a funny story to tell. He has started to really develop his own little personality. He is the funny guy when he wants to be, but mostly he is still obsessed with all sports. He will watch anything sports related. I am talking boxing, wrestling, horse racing, and of course football, baseball, and basketball. He is currently playing up in the t-ball world. He will turn 5 this summer and could start school in the fall, but we have decided to hold him out for year. As a teacher of upper grades, I see all to often that students suffer from being the youngest in their class.

Russell: Currently in 1st grade, Russell is rocking the education world. Now, every parent wants to think that their child is a genius, or super special, and I am no exception. Russell is reading above grade level, and he spells fantastically (which obviously he got that trait from his father). His math skills are sometimes unbelievable. When he gets quite (usually in the car), and I ask him what he is doing he will spout something off like, "Did you know that 13 groups of 20 is 260." Russell played pitching machine in the fall to prepare for the spring season of church league. This is serious stuff around here. We have played with the same kids (and coaches) for the past couple of years, and Russell seems to enjoy it. I think playing fall ball might have been a little bit of an overload, so this year I want him to try some other sports or activities. Star Wars, Ninjago, Pokemon, Bey Blades, and all things related are the current obsessions in our house.

Hillary: I took on a special challenge this school year. The third day of school, my principal called a special meeting of the upper grade teachers, and presented us with the fact that we would have to have a 4th/5th grade spilt class. I can honestly say that I heard the Lord speak to me in her office, and He told me that this was what I was supposed to do. I can 't say that there haven't been numerous challenges (like teaching two completely different set of objectives), but my students have really made this year special. I feel like this was the best year I have had in my 10 years of teaching. I will be extremely emotional at the end of the year. I received a special honor (I think directly related to the fact that I took on this challenge) in March. My coworkers and PTA nominated and voted me Teacher of the Year for Euper Lane Elementary. It was a huge surprise, and I was extremely emotional. I feel so honored to be recognized for the job I do, but really and truly, I enjoy the students, teachers, and environment at our school! I have decided to go back to school. I will start this summer, and the course work is all online. I will have a new class every 5 weeks. I am going to be getting my Masters in Educational Leadership (Administration). I have mixed emotions about it (especially since our life is so busy), but the pay raise is a big factor in my decision. I don't want to get out of the classroom yet, but having the degree will allow me to have more options in the future.

Justin: Justin just finished up another track season as Girls Track coach. Football was pretty successful, landing us in the playoffs again this year. He is keeping himself busy fixing things around the house and coaching Wilson's t-ball team. Yes, folks you read that right, Justin is coaching 12 4,5,and 6 year olds. I don't care what he says, I know he secretly enjoys it! I am sure he is looking forward to some time off this summer as short as it may be. Justin's dad just purchased a new trailer that he is putting on a lot by the river. Chester had one before, but after the floods of 2011, he had to demolish it. I know that Justin, the boys, and Chester will be taking full advantage of the new place this summer.

We have big plans of a beach trip to Destin this summer. Justin and I will also be visiting Ryan and Shannon in Chicago in July. Other than that I am hoping to spend most of my days poolside. I am a self proclaimed pool bum, so if you live in Fort Smith or the surrounding areas, and you own a pool, I might need to be your best friend. Haha, no really I am serious! I hope everyone is doing well! I don't know if anyone will actually read this blog (you know since I never post), but if you do, I thank you. I have high hopes to keep it up!

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