I totally stole this idea from another blog that I read. I am a complete blog stalker, and I am not afraid to admit it!!
Maybe I should take a deep breath and remember that I got this covered!!
I love that baseball/t-ball season is almost over. Don't get me wrong, it has been so awesome to watch my boys, but in 106 degree heat it is awful!
People would say that I am slightly crazy, and I would say that crazy is SO MUCH MORE FUN than normal.
I don't understand why so many places can be flooding while other places are having devestating wildfires, and we can't figure out a way to get all that water across the country.
When I wake up in the morning I thank God that my husband rises earlier than me. He has gotten up with the boys almost every morning this summer.
I lost some certificates for my students at the end of the year, and I haven't been able to get back into my classroom to find them or print off new ones. NICE!
Life is what you make of it. If you aren't working for it, then don't complain about it not happening!
My past has been seriously rocky at times, but it made me who I am. I try to live with no regrets. Move on, go forward, learn from mistakes (whether mine or others) and dream.
I get annoyed when people don't watch their children. This is really just the elementary teacher coming out in me. I sometimes use my "teacher look" on kids I don't know. I am not ashamed of this either.
Parties are so great, as long as they aren't surprise parties for me. I am not kidding when I say that I do not like surprises. I will walk out of my own party. Do not test me!
I wish I could fly. No, I am not singing that Seal song. It has always been the super power I would love to have.
Dogs are something I want in my family's near future. I just have to win over one person.
Cats are okay, but I just really don't dig them. They kinda freak me out a little bit.
I have a low tolerence for people who make excuses. Not saying I don't ever, but really, I have a job, two kids, a husband who works his butt off, and somehow I find the time to _________. You can fill in the blank with anything like: workout, read, visit with friends, call home, start taking classes for a new degree.
I am totally terrified of spiders. Don't like them, don't need them, don't want to be around them, will scream and climb on furniture if I see them. I will even let my almost 5 year old be brave and kill them for me. H.A.T.E spiders. Snakes are a close second, but I don't run into them as much.
I wonder why I didn't appreciate those high school/college friendships when I had them. I feel really bad that I don't keep in touch with people better.
Never in my life have I been to an auction. I would love to go to one where they were screaming out stuff really fast. I think I would like to go to one of those storage building when they are auctioning off an abondoned one.
High School was pretty good for me. I had friends in different groups, so I don't feel like I was pigeon-holed into one set of friends. I don't think I would go back though.
When I am nervous I sweat like a whore in church. Sorry for the languague, but if you have ever been around me when I get really nervous you know!! I get so hot it is seriously embarassing!
One time at a family gathering I wore a black and white bodysuit (if you don't know what this is, you obviously didn't grow up in the 90's) and black jeans. Not so bad you say? Yea, I wore it at the beach! What was I thinking, and why didn't someone say to me "Hill, you look ri-dic-u-lous!
Take my advice if you think your child isn't ready for Kindergarden, they aren't. If you have any doubt AT ALL about starting your child, please wait a year. I can't tell you how many times I have heard from parents of 5th grade students, "If I had just waited to start him/her."
Making my bed only happens when the cleaning lady comes. It makes me so happy to see it when I get home.
I am almost always thinking about a gazillion things. What mom/teacher isn't?
I am addicted to exclaimation points evidentally!
I want someone to be nice to someone else, who will in turn be nice to someone else, and it will start a chain reaction like that commercial. I try to start the chain every now and then in hopes that it carries on without me knowing.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and the Dave Ramsey advice! September is gong to be a looong month, I can already tell :)
I wanted to leave a response to your comment on my blog- that's too funny I got a photo of your brother's patio! And obviously your husband doesn't get the bloggy world bc that's all we do- follow people we don't know. Ha! Thanks for stopping by! Say hello next time you're in Chicago!
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