Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What's Happenin', Captain?

You know when you feel like you just want to scream? Or maybe you can relate to times when you really need to escape? I will tell anyone that will listen that I am a BETTER mom because I work. I love my job, and I love my children.  I just really love the fact that I don't stay home with my children! Don't get me wrong, I am excited that I have a couple of months off to relax. I just know that I get along better with little Squishy and big Squishy when I have not seen them for 72 hours straight.

Justin went out of town for the weekend. My FIL has a place on East Lake (which is an oxbow lake--if you don't know what that is we can discuss it later), and it is really nice!! He had a different place, but with the floods of 2011, he had to demolish and start over. He recently purchased a new manufactured home (trailer), and I am seriously impressed with the new digs. We went down for Memorial Day weekend, but I didn't get any pics. Justin went back this past weekend for some quality time with his dad. My man works so hard during the school year with football and track that I understand he needs some time away. I didn't really mind either. I get kind of used to him being busy with coaching, and when things really slow down, we are kind of stepping all over each other.

He left early Friday, and I had already planned a day of swimming at a friend's house. We had about 3 hours of fun in the sun (thankfully I remembered my sunscreen this time), and then home to rest before Russell's late game. I have said before that I love watching my boys play ball, but I don't love the crazy parents!! I have been dug out mom for the past two years, and I was wishing I was still in there Friday night. I felt like screaming, "Come on folks! No one is getting a college scholarship from this game!" It is ironically funny to me that we play in the "church league", but most of these people don't act very church like!

Saturday consisted of hanging out and going to watch Madagascar 3. I think I laughed more than the kids! It was a seriously cute movie--way better than #2. The rest of the day we just vegged out. I was really busy reading a serious novel Fifty Shades of Grey, and I only came up for air to make sure the boys hadn't killed each other. If you haven't read the series I would highly suggest you get the books! I bought the first one on my Nook (greatest invention ever) Friday after the ball game, and I finished the third one today. I read pretty fast, but I also couldn't put them down. So many people had suggested the books that I finally decided to succumb to the peer pressure. I am so glad I did!!

Justin returned on Sunday, and the evening was spent with good friends around the pool. We are gearing up for vacation, and I will definitely be posting pics when we return. Till then, enjoy some of these recent ones.
Don't they look so cute in their ball outfits?! Disregard the date on the pic (obviously).
I took a photography workshop recently that I really enjoyed! This is the product of said workshop.

So what have you been up to? Big summer plans? Prayers that you can come up with activities for your kids?

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