Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Good sleep

Well, for only a week old, Wilson is a considerate little guy. I know that I would be "dreaming" if I thought that he was on a schedule already, but he is pretty consistant. He eats every 3 hours (at most 3 1/2 hours). He has been sleeping in between feedings pretty well. I try to keep him awake at least a couple of times during the day so that he will sleep at night. For the past two nights he has gotten up for his midnight feeding and slept till his 3 am feeding. Then he wakes to eat, and he will stay awake about 30 minutes. Then it is back to bed till about 6:30 or 7. Justin is doing the midnight feeding while I get some sleep. The 3 am feeding is mine so that Coach can get some rest. My only complaint (and really it isn't complaining) is that I have already caught up on my infomercials. There are some really interesting products out there!!
Wilson enjoys his swing. This is good news seeing as Russell HATED it! It provides us one more outlet for Wilson while we give big brother the attention he craves (and really deserves). Joanna (a good friend) gave Russell all of Kaden's old trains. They have been a good distraction for Russell. Anyhow, just thought I would update everyone on the exciting happenings in the Key household. Grandmother and Granddaddy-o are going to be taking Russell back with them on Friday. He is going to have so much fun, and I am sure he will come back rotten. jk!!

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