***shy giggling***Well, I don't know what to say except, you know me, I am kinda sparatic, well, we have been busy, lots went on, I can't really explain. . . Who cares the excuse, it has been a busy year and here is a month-by-month explination of the Key's house. I will spare you a full years update by starting January.
January: Justin's cousin, Britni, married John in Tulsa. Russell was the ring-bearer. This was his first BIG production. He did such a great job. I only know about his steller performance second hand because I chased Wilson all over the church during the wedding Wilson wasn't willing to sit still for any sort of bribe. It was such a great time even if he kept me on my toes. The new couple put on a great party for everyone to enjoy. The kids definitely stole the show for a few dances at the reception.
February: Russell turned 4. His party was at Chuck E. Cheese, otherwise known as the kiddie casino in our house. It was really a great party. Grandmother and Grandaddy-o came down for the weekend, and Mi-Mi came for the special event. Russell had some of his closest friends around to play games. I think he got every kind of super hero toy out there. With Batman, Spiderman, and Ironman protecting the house we have nothing to worry about!
March: Busy with school and track. We really enjoyed a mild spring. We stayed home for Spring Break. Not a whole lot to tell.
April: Nana and Grandpa Ralph came to visit us! We had a wonderful visit, and Rusell and Wilson really enjoyed showing off any new tricks. We took them to a couple of local hotspots--like the park. I always love when my parents visit because I know that they are going to cook it up!!
Easter was really fun this year with both boys able to "search" for eggs. Russell was the only one brave enough to try out the hunt at Creekmore Park. I bet half the town showed up to try and find a prize. We dyed some fantastic eggs and just enjoyed the beautiful weather for the rest of the month.
May: As most of you know it is really hard for me to keep a secret. Somehow it got out that I was turnig 30. I don't know who told, but I will forgive you just because that is the kind of person I am! No, really, I celebrated my birthday the whole month. I figure 30 days for my 30th year, right?! The celebration started with Justin taking me to Fayetteville for dinner and dancing. I had one of my all time favs--Powerhouse. That place just gets. it. right!
During Memorial Day weekend, we all met at Rib Room for a really great time. I had a fantastic time and really appreciate everyone that came out to jam with us! It was such a diverse crowd with friends from forever to friends made recently.
The Southside track team brought home a State title. Justin had the privledge of working with some of these talented athlete, and he was so proud of them. They had a special dinner for the coaches at Shoguns and presented them with their plaques.
June: Summer, Summer, Summer! Justin surprised me with a trip to Vegas. He said it was for my birthday, but I opted to say it was for our 5 year anniversary (seeing as I just spent 30 days celebrating me). We had so much fun. It was my first time staying on the "Strip". I can gamble with the best of them, but I really enjoyed seeing all of the neat casinos. My absolute favorite is the Beatles stuff at the Mirage. They have a tribute show, therefore they have tons of Beatles stuff. I loved it! I rode the roller coaster at New York New York while Justin gambled. It was truely awsome to get to the top of the first hill and look out over the whole "Strip". Oh yeah, I also met Bob Guiney at Planet Hollywood. Going into the trip my only goal was to meet someone famous, and he was so nice. Kinda fitting as I l.o.v.e The Bachelorette/ The Bachelor! While we were in town, Allison and some friends threw a baby shower/couples party for some close friends. We had a really good time hanging out and learning Sing Star. I never knew a baby shower could get so competative.
We also took a trip to Chicago for Justin's parent's anniversary. The Archer family, Grandmother and Grandaddy-o, and the Key clan took to the streets (and cabs) for our family adventure. We had so much fun visiting local sites such as: the hands-on science museum, Navy Pier, Cheesecake Factory, Lincoln Park Zoo, ESPN Zone, Geno's East, and we managed to get in a carriage ride. It was a very busy and fun-filled vacation. I was even able to make a wedding shower for Shannon (and Ryan). It was so great to meet new friends and see a few of the one I already know.
July: Wilson turned 2. We decided against the group party and headed to the lake house for a quiet gathering. Wilson has been obsessed with motorcycles since he could make the sound so it was an easy theme to pick. Grandmother got a motorcycle themed cake, and we got him a Lil Trikes ride that looks like a Harley. Chester's sister, Marie, drove in just for the party. It was really nice of her to attend the festivites and a good time was had by all. The lake house provided a mini-vaca a couple of times this summer. It is really great for the boys because they can fish, boat ride, and get good "man activity" time while I get quiet!
I started taking inservices at the beginning of the month, and I am glad I did. I had some really great sessions at the Janet Huckabee center and a really informative sessions on Autism. The summer seemed so short, but we were still able to enjoy weekends at the pool and hot afternoons on the slip and slide.
August: I can never believe how fast the summer passes. This year was not any different. With everything else going on (back-to-school events, preseason games, and professional developments) the month was jam packed.
September: WHEW, I can breathe a big sigh of relief that you are caught up. We have had a wonderful time cheering on the Rebels so far this season. Justin and I also had the pleasure of going to a Hogs with a few other couples.
The biggest news this month is Ryan's wedding in Indianapolis. Russell was the ring "security" again. Russell shined the whole time. It was the best behaved I have ever seen him. He performed perfectly, had a blast on the bus ride around town, and entertained everyone with his funny faces and booty shaking! Ryan and Shannon looked so happy entertaining their friends and family, and I am proud to have a new sister. I wish I could get them down here for a Razorback game or good fall weather.
I have to apologize again for falling down on my blogging duties. I failed to mention that I changed schools last year. It was a wonderful move, but it has kept me busy. I was ready to challenge myself professionally. I have always said that my heart was with the forgotten, but I realized that I can still touch kids while enjoying every minute of teaching. I am now teaching Math and Science at Euper Lane. It really allows me to test my creativity with hands on learning. I am super excited to be a Euper Eagle.
I hope this finds all of you happy and healthy. I am going to try to post some new pics, but if I can't you can always send me your e-mail for monthly picture updates. Love and hugs.
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