Thursday, September 9, 2010

Shout out to all my PEEPS!

I am going to stick with the whole "top ten" idea for this post also.

I found this list on Yahoo, and I have to say, IT ROCKS!

Top 10 things Your Child's Teacher Won't Tell You (but really wants to):

#10 I am not a marriage counselor. When you are at parent-teacher conferences, let's stick to your child's progress, not how your husband won't help you around the house.

#9 Kids used to go out and play after school and resolve problems on their own. Now, with computers and TV, they lack the skills to communicate. They don't know how to get past hurt feelings without telling the teacher and having her fix it.

#8 Your child may be the center of your universe, but I have to share mine with 28 others.

#7 Guys who dribble a ball for a couple of hours a game can make up to $20 million a year. We educate future leaders and make about $51,000 a year (or less in my case).

#6 We take on the role of mother, father, psychologist, friend, and adviser every day. Plus, we are watching for learning disabilities, issues at home, peer pressure, drug abuse, and bullying.

#5 Please, no more mugs, frames, or stuffed animals (or lotion). A gift card to Starbucks or Staples would be more than enough. A handwritten thank-you note: EVEN BETTER.

#4 When I hear a child belch/fart, I remember that a student's manners are a reflection of his/her parents'.

#3 The truth is simple: your child will lie to get out of trouble.

#2 Parents give their kids the pricey gadgets and labels, but what kids really crave is for you to talk to them. They want to know you are interested in their lives.

#1 There are days that I want to quit, but then that one smile or hug from that one kid, changes it all.

I always knew I was supposed to work with kids. I thought I wanted to be a child psychologist, but I quickly realized that I needed to be more hands-on. I have never doubted my choice to become a teacher. I love every day, even the hard ones. I know that one day one of my students will look back on me and think, "My teacher cared." And to me , that is the real lesson I teach.

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