Just in case you missed the news. . .
I mean this is really big news. . .
It really changed the way we saw things at our house. . .
It will probably change the way we see things for a while. . .
Our house was pretty crazy for a while after we "found out". . .
Can you guess what it is?
No , probably not.
I really don't know why you are even trying!
Okay, I will put you out of your misery.
We. . . are. . . going. . .
*hysterical laughter from Hillary*
Oh, I am sorry, did you think I was about to say something else?
Seriously though, we beat
ber, who were undefeated and ranked in the nation. I am so proud of the Rebels!! Our of our 6 seasons in Fort Smith this will be our 4
th time to go to the playoffs!! My heart swells with pride!