Sunday, June 2, 2013

So what are you doing this week?

Let me start by saying I know I am lucky to have a "summer break". I will never complain about it. Now, I will also say that summer break this year (and last) doesn't really feel like a break because I am taking Masters classes.

I want to move on. I want to go bigger. I want to be a principal. I want this to happen within the next two years. The reason for starting classes was simple--the money. The other reason is more complicated. I came to the quick realization when R started school with me that I didn't need to be his teacher. I am already hard enough on the boy, if I had to have him in my classroom I hate to think about the expectations. I have known many teachers that were faced with the same issue (teaching their child), and they did a great job. I just don't think I have it in me. So I started taking classes last summer to get my Masters Degree in Educational Leadership (Administration). It has at times tried me to my very core of being (Statistics and Research). It has also been one of the most fulfilling experiences I have ever pushed myself into. I never thought I would enjoy going back to school. I can honestly say that I have enjoyed some or most of my time. Remind me of that while I write 5 and 10 page papers on my "break".

I am also signed up to be in charge of the drama rotation for VBS. I have never (not one time) been to VBS much less be in charge of something. Of course I volunteer for the most intricate and difficult part of the whole thing. Snacks? Arts and Crafts? Registration? NO! I tell them that I would love to be in charge of drama. Holy Crap!! What was I thinking!!

I guess I should throw in a garage sale while I am at it. I don't have enough on my hands that I also need to clean out every closet and cabinet looking for things to sell. You better not set something down for too long because if I find it, I will sell it!

It exhausts me just thinking about what I am going to do this week, and I haven't even started yet. Well except for the garage sale--I have been gathering stuff for months. Oh wait, I forgot that we have our vacation planned (Perdido Key here I come) in a couple of weeks, and I should probably start thinking about what to pack. Oh well, I guess I can get to that next week.

PS I should also mention that we are at the ball fields EVERY SINGLE NIGHT THIS WEEK.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


With everything that has happened in the world lately, it is really easy to get depressed and ask WHY?! No one knows why these tragic situations occur, and I don't really think we are supposed to understand. I think we are supposed to rely on each other through these tough times, and remember that love and friendship are really powerful forces.

On another note, tomorrow marks a big day in the life of the Key house. Munchkin is officially graduating from preschool. It is bitter sweet to know that he will be with me next year because that also means he has to grow up. I put together a couple of pictures for his graduation board at school. We only ended up using the top picture.
miss those fat cheeks!

We talk about him coming to Kindergarten, and I think he will love it. I just wish they would stay this age for a little while. R & W are so much fun, and I know we will all love being at school together.

Same day I am having to find pictures of Wilson, I received an emotional invitation. My first class of students from FSM are graduating this year. In my mailbox at school was an invite from one of those students. Not just any student, though. I don't have favorites--I love all of my children equally--but sometimes you have THAT student that just stands out. This young man had only been in the USA a year and a half when he walked into my class. His smile was contagious and so was his love of learning. He showed amazing potential even at that young age. When I opened the invitation, and I saw his Senior picture, I started bawling!! It was the ugly cry right there in the middle of the front office. I am sure people thought I was crazy, but I just couldn't help it. I lost all control of my emotions. It wasn't really a sad cry, some of the tears were from joy, but mainly it was just from reality.

While I don't really feel that much older (most days), I see the world around me changing. My boys growing up, my students moving on, and people celebrating new babies (or the potential of one). I love watching it, but I also wish I could stop the roller coaster for just a minute.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Our dog, Sandy

We recently adopted a new family member (it was January, but still). She is the sweetest, and I am happy to finally have another female around the house. We have always told the boys that when R is 8 and W is 5, we will get a dog. Well, Justin actually agreed to "Laura" (her name originally). She was pretty shy at first, but she is getting better around men. From the beginning, Sandy has followed  me wherever I go though. She wants to be right there with me, so much that she is pretty jealous of Justin.

sorry so blurry

She has adapted well and has only had a few accidents in the house. She is very territorial, but I think that is the German Shepard in her. She is a mix of GS and Chow, but I think now that she has lost most of her undercoat that she looks more like a Shepard. Her previous owners left her on the side of the road because she was preggers. Sad story, but we love on her all the time to try and make up for it. Sandy is really good with the boys. She even helps me read to them at night. I think she will end up being more snuggly, but right now she likes to just sit near you. She also really loves to go on walks (and isn't too bad on the leash or your arm).
our very first walk as a family

Having a dog has completed something in our family that I can't quite describe. I guess we didn't know we were missing something until we found Sandy. I am overjoyed by the affection my boys show her, and she in returns shows them.
you can't come between the love of a boy and his dog
I would really encourage anyone who is thinking about getting a dog to check out your local pet store. We adopted Sandy from a rescue group outside of Petco. I have taken the boys many a Saturday to meet dogs from different rescue groups in the area. I knew all along that we wanted to adopt (not get a puppy), and I wanted my boys to experience many different types of dogs. We have walked Mastiffs and Labs, and we have played with smaller ones. I wanted a medium to large dog because the size of our yard would allow for it and because my boys needed someone who could withstand their wild tendencies. I am so glad that my boys get to grow up with a loyal companion.

Monday, May 13, 2013

How Do I. . . ?

While I was driving to the ball fields tonight I thought of a post. It is kind of like a tutorial, but not at all. I can see this being a theme on my blog, so I might just make it a weekly happening. I am calling it:  How do I. . .? because I am really hoping people will help me out and answer some of these questions. I don't have but 3 followers and like a handful of readers, but still. I need help.

How Do I

Style white skinny jeans/jeggings/whatever those things are? I had to borrow a shirt from a GF to wear with them  the first time, and I don't really want to ask her for the same shirt every time I want to wear these pants. I am having a hard time because I don't wear white pants. EVER. But I bought them, so now I HAVE to wear them. I need help in finding a cute shirt/tunic/whatever goes with stuff like that. It is actually the first pair of skinny jeans I own (and I picked white--go figure).

Get the font to go back to the original after I load a picture? I tried with the last post, and it just frustrated me!! I am not ignorant when it comes to technology, but SERIOUSLY I couldn't get it. Oh well, part of the OCD inside of me is dying.

Link up to another blog? I have written down on my "Blog Ideas" many of my favorite link ups that I stalk enjoy reading. Now I just need someone to give me step by step instructions of how to get it done! Like seriously, if someone could tell me before Friday please!!

Start a side business? I have a great idea. I don't know if anyone would really want to hire me, but I think I might be able to create a little business. I don't want to reveal exactly what I am thinking (because that is another post on my list), but if there are any business savvy readers out there with advice, I will take it!

Okay, so just be ready because I have so many other things I need help with including but not limited to: hair styles, makeup, decorating, dogs, children (especially boys), resumes, and so much more. Maybe I could even create a link up (but that would need to be explained to me!!)

Birthday Celebrations Part 2

I found out on Wednesday that Justin and I would be traveling somewhere for the weekend. If you live any where close to FSM, you know that the weather was CRAZY, and it was cold and rainy. Justin wouldn't tell me where we were going, so I did my normal thing. I acted like an adult and accepted the surprise. I asked around to see if anyone knew anything. I just wanted to know what to pack. I really didn't want to know exactly where we were going. I was secretly hoping it was Eureka Springs because I recently mentioned it to Justin. Granddaddy-o arrived in time to pick Wilson, and Justin and I were able to get away about 5:15. He finally told me where we were going once we got on the road (and were stuck in the construction traffic). I WAS RIGHT!! Justin had it all planned, and I was bound and determined not to let Mother Nature mess with awesome birthday plans.

The hotel we stayed at was smack dab in the middle of it all. Perfect place for Justin and I to set up headquarters. It had quaint rooms with little added bonuses. When we arrived we had to unload quickly and take the car to the parking lot (like 2 miles away--probably not really). After hiking up the big mountain of stairs, we cleaned up and headed out for our first night. We found a place that looked pretty cool and so we decided to check it out. We thought they had a menu outside, and so we assumed it was a bar/grill. Not so much. The only options were tacos (for $1) or loaded nachos. I really just wanted to sit and chill, listen to some music, and so I went for the loaded nachos. Interesting choice, Hill. I might have eaten 1/5 of the plate when I decided it was better for me just to stick to liquids. We listened to the band, whom I enjoyed, but I don't think Justin did. The we decided it was late and we wanted to explore the next day so we went to bed. Seriously, it couldn't have been much past midnight if it was even that late.

One of the fancy chairs in our room.

The fireplace in our room (thought we might actually need it)

The next morning  about noon, I decided it was time to get out bed and go exploring the quaint little town. Mind you Justin had already been up for about 3-31/2 hours. He enjoyed the complementary breakfast buffet and watched TV while I enjoyed not having anyone need me to do something. Considering it was my birthday, he didn't push me too hard to get ready. Maybe it was the cold drizzle that was hanging around? After I got ready, we decided to walk around a little. We saw some shops that I knew I needed to go into, but I really needed to get lunch. A great and wise friend enlightened me on a wonderful lunch restaurant named Local Flavor Café. It turned out to be the perfect place to eat. Our window seat was peaceful, and my avocado and cheese sandwich was divine. I also enjoyed a birthday Bloody Mary, which was so spicy I couldn't finish it. Justin gave me a hard time about it (because seriously, it was $8, and I never order a grown up drink).
My birthday Bloody Mary and his Harvey Wallbanger



After lunch, we hit up some of the shops. I found many gifts that I needed to buy other people plus a few things for myself. Part of the magic of the weekend was that I could go into any store I wanted without worrying about breakables (except for myself who is a walking hazard), or little fingers having to touch everything in the store. It was FABULOUS! Justin bought me a cute metal piece to go above our bed. At first glance in the window, I thought it was canvas, but upon inspecting it further in the gallery, I realized it was metal (which made me love it even more).
I had my eye on this for a little bit!




Once I had gotten all of the shopping bug out of me (which really didn't take very long), Justin and I found a local place to sit and watch the Derby. Growing up I always felt special that the Derby ran around the time of my birthday. This year it was actually on the same day. Growing up around race horses, it has always been a dream of mine to attend the Derby. I would have the best hat!! Anyhow, while we were picking horses and waiting on the main event, Justin looked up a few of the nice restaurants on his phone so we I could pick where we were going to eat supper. We decided on a nice steak place we passed a few times earlier. We made reservations and decided to relax in the hotel room for a bit--to recharge (I was worn smack out from all of the walking and cold/rain). Our dinner was delicious, and the dessert was even better. I was still so worn out from the day of walking that we decided to call it an early night. Poor Justin was stuck watching a movie on TV while I enjoyed another night of absolute peace. We woke early (not too early) the next morning to eat and head out of town. I have to say, it was a birthday to go down in the books. I can't say enough Thank You's to Justin for planning it!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

35 before 35

On the birthday note, I made a list of things I would like to accomplish before my next birthday. I have seen this idea on other blogs, but most of those lists allowed for a couple of years or so. Justin took one look at my list and said, "good luck." I might have lofty aspirations, but I dream and I dream BIG!
1. Finish my masters degree: obviously this was the easiest of all because I know it is going to happen, but I am still so proud to get it done.
2. Go to the beach: Again I know this is going to happen, but I love it so much it has to be included.
3. Pay off the truck
4. Start the redo on the kitchen
5. Finish the "man room"
6. Host a cookout/dinner party
7.  Pay for someone else's meal anonymously
8.  Shoot a gun
9. Write on the blog routinely (I have even come up with a list of things I can write about)
10.  Make a smash journal
11. Paint the china hutch
12. Send out birthday/holiday/anniversary cards on time
13. Run a 10K
14. Visit my family
15. Read 10 books (other than required readings for school)
16. Present a workshop/professional development
17. Teach someone else about Dave Ramsey
18. Make a summer "schedule of activities"
19. Decorate the boys bedrooms (and use some of those Pinterest posts I have)
20. Have a garage sale to get rid of junk/stuff we don't need
21. Attend church regularly
22. Go camping (not in the back yard)
23. Attend a concert
24.Go hiking with the family
25. Visit a "new to us" city
26. Donate blood
27. Learn to play chess
28. Learn to make sushi
29. Drink wine at a vineyard
30. Donate to a charity
31. Take an exercise class
32. Get a facial
33. Go on a bike ride
34. Be the Drama teacher at Vacation Bible School (actually happening, but still pretty cool)
35. Go visit Australia (not happening but always has to appear on the list)

**This list is in no particular order. Please understand that I sat down and made this list in a matter of minutes. I could probably come up with really well thought of plans, but it would also cost more money and time than I am willing to give. I tried to make a list of things I thought I would actually be able to accomplish. That might be a cop out (like I didn't try hard enough), but I know what I am capable of, and if I can get all these things done I am AWESOME! 

My birthay celebrations-- Part 1

Okay, so I have decided to try this blog thing one more time. This time around I hope I have a different attitude towards writing. We can only wait and see.

This past month I had a birthday. You would have thought by the celebrations that it was a big birthday. You know, the kind that end in either a 5 or a 0. No, I was turning 34, but my students and husband treated me to an impressive few days. My homeroom mom went out of her way to make sure we celebrated my birthday in style. I can't tell you how much I appreciate her and everything she does for us. I went for many a year without parent support in the classroom. To have parents that will offer to do things is precious. My students are also a serious blessing. They planned most of the day, and they were hilarious. 

We started the day with the secretary stopping me in the office to "dress" me in a green grass skirt and flower lei. She told me that I wasn't allowed to go down to my classroom until the tardy bell. If anyone knows me they know that I started to panic. I wasn't worried about what was going on in my classroom exactly, I was more worried about being late. OCD much? Once I was allowed to go to my room, I was bombarded by students in the hallway wishing me "Happy Birthday!" It was overwhelming in the best of ways.

I get to my room to see it decorated with streamers and blow up flamingos and palm trees. All of my students are in mix-matched clothing, crazy socks and tennis shoes or flip flops. It is hilarious to see, but still I am overwhelmed! We had donuts and juice, enjoyed the moment, and then I made the "list". I had  a list made of things that we needed to accomplish for the day. It really wasn't extensive or difficult, but there were things that needed to happen. Little did I know what was in store for me.

At 8:51 am someone's cell phone alarm went off. See, I let my students have their cell phones, and really, the district wants them to use their own devices. Usually I ask that they are on silent, and I check to make sure they are using them correctly. So needless to say I was surprised when the alarm when off. A few students jumped out of their seats, and suddenly, they were all doing the Harlem Shake. Every 30-45 minutes an alarm went  off and the same thing happened. A couple of students would bring me a present, and they would  read a note to me. All day long I received presents, watched my students dance, and enjoyed  my birthday!

The gifts that I received from my class were all of my favorite things. I got animal print, Target, Starbucks, Red Lobster, hot pink and baby blue, snacks, cherry lemonades, yellow butterflies, and so much more. I really can't believe all of the awesomeness that I unwrapped!

Up Next is Part 2--My weekend away in Eureka Springs